I got my hive today! The car was filled with the smell of honey because the comb layout structures are made of wax. It smells fantastic. The entire ride home from Oregon smelled of fresh wood and honey. I was a little sick of it at one point because I was so tired of being in the car (it’s a four hour drive) but it smelled good most of the time. I found out my aunt and uncle had a hive before they found out my uncle was deathly allergic. So I’m hoping they can give me a few pointers. I was texting B and found out that- should I just say his name? I’m going to want to know it in forty years when I’m too senile to remember. Ok so I was texting BRAD and he told me that… shit I forgot was I was saying… he told me that… oh that’s right! He told me that I won’t get my hive until the end of July. I’ll have nothing in bloom by then. So you know what that means! Time to plant a few things! I bought two packets of wildflower seeds while we were buying some baby supplies for my cousin’s shower.

Oh, I suppose I should mention that since it was the whole reason for going to Oregon in the first place. It was… a baby shower. The food was kind of pland, except for some AMAZING raspberries that were so sweet I was literally drinking the juice off my plate. I could’ve eaten those and only those for the rest of the day. But I resisted. I was pretty much ready to leave yesterday. I love my family and all; I just love being a bit closer to home. I can’t tell you how great it feels to come back from even a day away. I feel like- like- well I guess it feels like I’m coming home, haha. I’ve never felt like this about a house though, so it’s rather odd for me. Oh and I forgot to mention that we dropped my sister off at my dads house on the way home. My mom forced me to go in and say hello. I was very annoyed at myself for going in. I’m tired of playing the stupid game of going to say high because he’s my dad. So when I went in to say hello I gave a very fake hug and then proceeded to back out of the doorway (even though I barely took three steps into the house) the entire time I was talking to him. I managed to make it in and out in less than 15 seconds.

I’m excited to have the house to myself. PEACE! Finally. No more wondering who all is in my house because no one bothers to tell me anyone’s coming over. No more arguing with my sister. I can just spend the summer ALONE. I might ask my neighbor to take me to a local bee supply place though because I managed to not buy gloves for my suit. Very annoying. It’ll be a fun outing for the two of us though, I’ll just have to wait until soccer is over. When does the world cup finish by the way? I managed to actually watch a few minutes of it today. I got bored after half an hour, and managed to only look up when I sensed something was about to happen. Which was right before the first goal for the US and the second for the other team. I saw the first goal for the other team because it was in the first five minutes and I had nothing better to be doing.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this recently but this is the weekend of the neighborhood garage sale so tomorrow my mom and I are going to basically make our garage vomit it’s contents onto the drive way and then put price tags on it. I can’t remember how long it goes for but hopefully it’ll be quick so I can get some work done in the yard. I really want to set up the hive so I can take pictures! Unfortunately my sister wouldn’t leave her camera here so I won’t be able to take great pictures. But you will get something at any rate.